
About us

Public organization Performance Hall Moldova.

Date of registration - February 10, 2016, Republic of Moldova, Chisinau.

Performance Hall Moldova is a public organization that seeks, supports and promotes young talented representatives of the arts of the Republic of Moldova.

We help not only individual artists or creative teams, but also develop, implement, administer and develop a portfolio of multi-format projects to promote young musicians, artists, theatrical figures, designers of the Republic of Moldova, organize meetings with these still unknown talents and give an opportunity to both a larger audience can get to know them.

Performance Hall Moldova projects are a social elevator, where equal opportunities to present your talent, find a new audience, are provided to all young talented people of the Republic of Moldova

Our dream is an ultra-modern transforming hall for concerts, exhibitions, performances in the Republic of Moldova.

Action plan of the public organization
Performance Hall Moldova for 2023

1. Participation of young performers in a concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Retro FM radio station and their promotion on the air of the radio station

2. Art therapy courses for young musicians with psychologist Tatyana Borzova January-December 2023

3. Exhibition of applied art by designer Natalia Vavilina (Romania) - February 2023

4. Organization and holding of a festive evening in honor of International Women's Day with the participation of young musicians and vocalists of the Republic of Moldova - March 2023

5. Mandala therapy, theater therapy and simoron with Victoria Sobor - April 2023

6. Art clothing designer. Art in fabric. Young and talented designers visiting PHM - May 2023

7. Organization of performances by students of the choreographic department of Professor Angela Batisor - May-June 2023

Development program of the public organization Performance Hall Moldova

1. Research and studies on the influence of art on social processes in society.
2. The formation of moral norms in youth through innovative technologies combining art and psychology.
3. Creation of advanced forms of influence on man in order to improve mental health.
4. Various actions aimed at the development of art therapy in the Republic of Moldova.
5. Organization of exhibitions in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
6. Organizing concerts (show programs) in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
7. Organization of festivals, conferences, opening of social-cultural projects in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
8. Elaboration of new social-cultural project concepts in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
9. Opening foundations for the development and promotion of culture in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
10. The participation of the Republic of Moldova in international projects in the field of culture.
11. Organization of creative summer camps, experimental workshops with the participation of domestic and foreign artists.
12. Organization of school studios and master-classes, trainings with the participation of art and culture people from Moldova and abroad.
13. Thematic activities "Performance".
14. Attracting financial means for PHM activities.
15. Foundation of Radio-PHM and other specialized mass media
16. Publication of PHM materials in the mass media in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
17. Organization of author programs on TV and radio in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
18. Organization of auctions.
19. PHM's participation in international tenders in the field of culture, art, mass media with the aim of winning grants for the promotion of projects in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
20. Construction of multifunctional buildings for the organization of modern exhibitions in the style of performance and happening.
21. Attracting financial sources from sponsors, forming the scholarship fund for talented youth in all fields of art.
22. Organization of clubs according to interests in the field of art.
23. Establishment of libraries in the field of culture and art.
24. Foundation of the first Encyclopedia of people of culture and art from the Republic of Moldova.
25. Creation of a foundation for material aid to art and culture veterans.
26. Attracting financial sources for the procurement of specific installations and materials for people of art and culture.
27. Leasing of premises and equipment of the PHM projector.
28. Publicity, promotion of artists in the Republic of Moldova and abroad.
29. PHM participation in exhibitions, fairs in the country and abroad.
30. Organization of the exchange of students and specialists of postgraduate courses to raise the qualification.
31. Organizing the festivity in the Republic of Moldova with the attraction of people of culture and art from abroad.32. PHM's participation in the Cultural Days of the Republic of Moldova abroad.

Our projects:

Report on the events held by the public organization
Performance Hall Moldova for 2022

1. Photo project «MAMA liga» dedicated to International Women's Day February-March 2022

2. Joint project with the international women's organization Inner Wheel - concerts for refugees from Ukraine with the participation of children from Valeriu Poleakov Art School (105 Doina str.) - May 2022

3. Preparation for the vocal competition of young talents in Iasi - May 2022. Promotion project for visually impaired conservatory graduate Stella Platon (soprano)

4. Participation of young musicians in a concert for Ukrainian refugees at the National Library of the Republic of Moldova September 2022.

5. Assistance in organizing and participation in the concert "Hiturile moldovenești" of a young performer - Vlad Cojocaru (bass) October 2022

6.Project "Eva dress-code" live installation of works by the artist V. Zhabinsky in body art sketches; revived costumes-pictures; in performance - plastic ; with extraordinary vocal accompaniment by Brain Band; in the psychological interactive theater on the theme "Eva Dress Code" November 2022 (Moldexpo)

7. Organization of venues for the performance of the children's dance group "Natali" - leaders Natalia and Alena Duminika. Assistance in organizing a trip to a dance competition in Romania (Galati) - December 2022

8. Organized art therapy courses for young musicians at the Kedem Jewish community center January-December 2022

Our contacts

MD - 2004 Chisinau, S. Lazo str. 26/32

+37379407878 – Victoria Sobor

+37379787777 – Svetlana Iuvjaninova

e-mail: [email protected]

Facebook group

In accordance with Law no. 837-XIII of May 17, 1996 regarding public associations, we request the registration of the statute of the Public Association "PERFORMANCE HALL MOLDOVA", adopted at the Constituent Assembly (minute no. 1 of January 26, 2016).
Members of the Board of Directors of the Association:
1. Victoria SOBOR – President;
2. Evghenii VAINSTEIN - Executive Director;
3. Svetlana IUVJANINOVA - Censor.